Middleton Public Library
Address: 7425 Hubbard Avenue, Middleton, WI 53562
Phone: 608-831-5564     Email: info@midlibrary.org
https://pngriver.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Download-Clock-Png-Image-82909-For-Designing-Projects.png   Updated on Monday, June 28th

Exciting news! The library has re-opened Monday - Saturday with in-person services, starting Monday, June 28th.  All services are available, with the exception of in-person indoor events, large meeting room reservations, book donations, and Friends bookshop. Curbside pickup service has also ended.  Face masks are encouraged and are optional for the fully vaccinated.  Middleton community, thank you for your patience and commitment to safety over the last 15 months. Welcome back!

Contact Us:  
Phone: (608) 827-7401
Email: info@midlibrary.org

Library Board of Trustees meets the second Tuesday of each month at 5:30PM.
All meetings are open to the public.



Dear Neighbors,
This Juneteenth, the national conversation about race is alive in our community.  Across the nation, including Middleton, small and mid-sized communities are playing an important role as they step up to be part of the dialogue about anti-racism and inequity.  Middleton Public Library pledges itself to join the efforts of all who share in the mission of building a community free of racism, hatred, and intolerance.  Black Lives Matter.

The killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and now others, have demonstrated once again, that the battle against racism and intolerance is not over.  That racism is not only individual subtle and violent acts, but invisible systems conferring dominance on a group.  Middleton Public Library will look inward to examine our organizational practices, policies, procedures, and identify where and how we can do better, and be better.  Together, let’s challenge ourselves and each other to meet the moral imperative of confronting and dismantling systemic racism.

Middleton Public Library stands with those in Dane County, the state of Wisconsin, and throughout our country who are exercising their Constitutional rights to protest against systemic racism, inequity, and violence against the Black community. As a public library, we stand for the innate equality of all we serve.  Libraries are for everyone.  We pledge to do our part to help our community recognize and celebrate that diversity, inclusivity, and equity are pillars of a strong and thriving community.

Intellectual freedom is the cornerstone of democracy and public library service.  Public libraries have a long history of being agents of social change, and Middleton Public Library is committed to continuing that work. We believe in enlightenment through education and value lifelong learning. Through our inclusive resources, programs and staff, we will continue to grow and share collections and connections with the community that inspire conversations about timely topics.  We are listening and learning.  Love, justice, hate, equality, friendship, prejudice, peace, anger, fear, humor…through the power of reading we can learn about and understand these topics, make sense of our own lives, and build stronger relationships with our families, neighbors, community, and the world.  Libraries grow and transform with their communities. We hope you’ll join us in exploring how your public library can contribute to justice and equity.

In solidarity,
Jocelyne Sansing, Middleton Public Library Director
Middleton Public Library Board of Trustees: Robert Burk, Courtney Ward-Reichard, Roshelle Ritzenthaler, MaryBeth Paulisse, Christopher Morris, Rose Sime, Thomas Yost, Cynthia Zellers, and Rob Seltzer