Middleton Public Library
Address: 7425 Hubbard Avenue, Middleton, WI 53562
Phone: 608-831-5564     Email: info@midlibrary.org

Explore Wisconsin State Parks with author Scott Spoolman

Thursday, April 12, at 7:00pm    Add this event to your calendar
Location: In the downstairs Archer Room (through the lobby stairwell)
Sign-up Appreciated
(event is over)

Join us for a special author event as we welcome Scott Spoolman, author of Wisconsin State Parks: Extraordinary Stories of Geology and Natural History, a journey through twenty-eight parks, forests, and natural areas where evidence of our state's striking geologic and natural history are on display.

Copies of the book will be available for purchase at the event. The evening will conclude with a book signing.

Registration is appreciated for this event: Online using the link above or by email at info@midlibrary.org.

From the publisher:

The impressive bluffs, valleys, waterfalls, and lakes of Wisconsin's state parks provide more than beautiful scenery and recreational opportunities. They are windows into the distant past, offering clues to the dramatic events that have shaped the land over billions of years.

In an accessible storytelling style, Scott Spoolman sheds light on the volcanoes that poured deep layers of lava rock over a vast area in the northwest, the glacial masses that flattened and molded the landscape of northern and eastern Wisconsin, mountain ranges that rose up and wore away over hundreds of millions of years, and many other bedrock-shaping phenomena. These stories connect geologic processes to the current landscape, as well as to the evolution of flora and fauna and development of human settlement and activities, for a deeper understanding of our state's natural history.

The book includes a selection of detailed trail guides for each park, which hikers can take with them on the trail to view evidence of Wisconsin's geologic and natural history for themselves.