Middleton Public Library
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Queer and Trans Perspectives in Healthcare and Beyond (Scholar for Life)

Tuesday, June 20, at 6:00pm    Add this event to your calendar
Location: Virtual
Sign-up Appreciated
(event is over)

Join us for the next lecture in our ongoing Scholar for Life series, in partnership with Badger Talks! 

Jess Waggoner, Assistant Professor of Gender, Women's and Sexuality Studies and English at UW-Madison, will discuss experiences of illness, disability, and patient-hood for queer and trans people.

You can attend this event in 2 ways:

1) Join via Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88272833482

2) Attend the live-stream in the Friends Community Room at the library.

Dr. Waggoner’s research and teaching interests span U.S. literature and culture, feminist disability studies, queer and trans studies, health activisms, and African American studies. They are also passionate about accessible pedagogies and expanding definitions of access in order to understand the fluidity and intersectionality of disability identity.

Meeting ID: 882 7283 3482

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