Birding by Ear (FOPBC Conservancy Day)
Join us for an immersive birding experience as we explore the world of birding by ear. In this presentation, you'll learn how to identify bird species by their unique songs and calls. Delve into the fascinating melodies of our feathered friends, discovering the stories behind their vocalizations and the secrets they hold about their habitats and behaviors. Whether you're a seasoned birder or new to the world of birdwatching, this auditory adventure will deepen your appreciation for the avian wonders that surround us.
Timothy Hansel is the education coordinator for the Friends of Pheasant Branch Conservancy, an avid birder, and photographer. He is also a Wisconsin Master Naturalist and serves as a Wisconsin Master Naturalist instructor for The Prairie Enthusiasts. With a Ph.D. in philosophy, Timothy has 16 years of teaching experience, focusing on topics such as environmental ethics and critical thinking.