Ireland - A Colorful Tour of the Emerald Isle
This fun and informative pictorial presentation will discuss some of the key points of Irish culture, both past and present. Of course, no Irish discourse would be complete without visiting a few pubs to tilt a Guinness along the way!
Joe Fahey is originally from Belleville and has recently retired from 45 years of corporate life. As the head of international marketing for a large multinational company, he traveled the world and has been to places that are historic, exotic, beautiful and occasionally off-beat. His exposure to various cultures and interaction with local people has resulted in priceless experiences and great stories.
Now that he is retired, Joe is sharing his stories with others in an informative and entertaining format. He has 17 different presentations about locations around the world and is in the process of publishing his first book. He relishes his new purpose to share his adventures with inquisitive minds throughout southern Wisconsin and beyond.